Saturday, January 28, 2012

" Pecks" Good Boys

 E.H. Peckinpaugh -" Pecks"

E.H. Peckinpaugh paperwork

        Ernest  Peckinpaugh started the E.H.Peckinpaugh Company in Chattanooga ,Tennessee around 1920. There has long been a controversy regarding whether Peckinpaugh developed the first floating bass bug as he had claimed.
Cut from 1930 Pecks literature
Inquiring minds would like to know if Peck was in fact the creator the first floating bass bug. I fear the passing of time has blurred the facts and hidden the evidence which may have given conclusive evidence to the actual party responsible for creating the first floating bass bug and variations there of. First or not, there is no question that Peck played a critical part in the promotion, development and mfg. of such early baits. He held a number of patents related to fishing flies, at one time employed over 300 people and provided a vast array of flies to insure fisherman against fishless days.

Click link to see -Pecks photos -Tennessee State library & archive link