Patent Drawing for Streich's Acro-Bait
A look at fishing from days gone by.Glimpses of our fishing past through images, ephemera, letters and advertising.Including old Lures, boxes, Tournament casting,Floats,Bobbers,catalogs and tackle companies. I'm always interested in adding to my collection of vintage fishing tackle maker correspondence. If you have any early fishing letterhead or paper to sell or trade, Let me No content of this blog may be reproduced without express written consent of the author .
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Streich Two Acro-Bait
The February lure of the month was the fairly obscure Streich's
Flex-O-Mino. Streich made at least two other baits. Two years and two months after receiving his patent for the Flex-O-Mino, Streich received a patent on his Acro-Bait. An invention composed of two joined pieces or sections, each of which effects the direction of movement of the other,whereby the device takes an irregular path when drawn through the water and darts or lunges in almost all directions,in a succession of swift movements, thereby making an attractive lure for fish. The Acro-Bait shows Paul Streich's creativity. This is an interesting concept, considering that the majority of metal baits consist either of a spinner which revolves on a shaft or a spoon that wobbles upon trolling or retrieve.
Patent Drawing for Streich's Acro-Bait
Patent Drawing for Streich's Acro-Bait